Dybbuk-my new sinister logo



In Jewish folklore, a dybbuk ( from Hebrew- attachment) is a malicious or malevolent possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person.

Dybbuks are said to have escaped from Sheol or to have been turned away for serious transgressions, such as suicide, for which the soul is denied entry.The word “dybbuk” is derived from the Hebrew  meaning “attachment”; the dybbuk attaches itself to the body of a living person and inhabits the flesh. According to belief, a soul that has been unable to fulfill its function during its lifetime is given another opportunity to do so in dybbuk form. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being helped.



Below you can watch my interpretation of Dybbuk .This is my random project and I think Dybbuk its a quite good name for death metal band. I hope you like this  little bastard and I didnt scare you out. As always your comments are welcome.




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